Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vision Global Event Strategies Hires Chris Riffle Eller

Chris Riffle Eller

is excited to announce the new hire of
for the position of Event Manager 
Chris brings to the Vision family over 13 years of experience planning corporate meetings and private events nationwide. Chris has successfully managed over 200 events per year.

Her extensive background in budget development and management fits well with Vision's business philosophy of "always on time and on budget" for our clients.

Chris' well-rounded event experience includes logistics management, procurement and vendor management, union labor management, themed event environment design and production management.

Please join us in welcoming Chris to the Vision Team!

...and don't forget to Friend her on Facebook!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Corporate Highlights Video

Vision Global Event Strategies was contracted to manage & produce
IRI's Reinventing CPG & Retail Summit Conference. 
more info
Vision Global Event Strategies, a San Diego production company specializing in event and video production, was hired by Information Recourses, Inc. (IRI), the world's leading provider of consumer, shopper and retail trends, to produce the highlights video for their annual user group conference.

IRI hosted their conference titled "Reinventing CPG and Retail Summit", at the beautiful Wynn Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Chairman of IRI, Dr. Romesh Wadhwani, described this year as the year of disruptive change and the year of the information revolution in the CPG and retail industry.

The Wynn Resort hosted the IRI's conference. Vision negotiated the hotel contract in IRI's favor
and managed room blocks, f&b and
the party at Tryst Night Club more info
Capturing the conferences theme, "Changing the Game", was especially critical to IRI's marketing and communications team as they launched their revolutionary new technology, IRI Liquid Data, at this year’s conference.

During his general session keynote address, CEO and President of IRI Scott Klein, stated, “retail and manufactures are about to embark on a new generation of collaboration”. Busy at work in the production office, Vision and IRI’s MARCOM team were working around the clock on their own collaboration.

Vision Global Event Strategies
produced the conference's general session
A/V, lighting and set decor. 
more info

Developing a script
with a targeted message and a concise summary
was the MISSION.
Capturing the conference
with multiple sources, in multiple locations, without missing a thing
was the TASK.

Producing the video
with an aggressive turn around time for media distribution
was the GOAL.

ENG Camera crew covered IRI's party at
Tryst Night Club in the Wynn Resort.
Vision’s video producers staffed the conference with ENG video crews covering all aspects of the summit from general session and breakouts to offsite parties and the awards dinner.Back in the studio at Vision’s San Diego office, editors, sound designers and voiceover talent produced the final cut of conference’s highlight video.

The video was encoded for Flash, QuickTime and Windows Media Player and delivered via FTP and FedEx. IRI received the video  and posted it to the web in time for the  media and analysts to source it and resource it creating all the buzz and industry chatter they had aimed for.


Vision was formed by a group of leading meeting industry experts.
The goal? To do it more effectively with better results.
In the event business, we've learned that talk is cheap. We find it slightly amusing to let the other companies keep rambling while we keep planning. We're proud to be an event company that actually does what it says and only blows smoke when it's part of the pyrotechnics package you requested. We understand that companies rely on events as part of their overall business and marketing strategies. We also know how eager you are to differentiate yourselves from the pack. That's why we are not only committed to making every event a success--we are committed to making it yours.

Events should be form-fitted to your needs, and we work tirelessly to ensure that each event we plan is tailored to your exact specifications. Integrity, execution and attention to detail are the cornerstones of our labor. But it's the creativity, energy and enthusiasm fostered in our cozy San Diego offices that continue to drive our company and your events into uncharted territory.
Each Vision team member personifies a uniquely potent blend of skill and experience, with one perpetually overlapping commonality: an unwavering commitment to flawless event execution and customer service. This distinct attribute is just a starting point; we surround ourselves with flexible people who are constantly cultivating fresh ideas and executing them with the precision of diamond cutters. We're your partners in crime and we are solely focused on executing a flawless event. You need results, and that's right where our sights are set. Remember, only those with Vision can change the world!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Customer Event
Number of Attendees: 800

Services Rendered: General Session, Breakouts, Food & Beverage, Registration, Housing, Partner Showcase, Pop-Up Meetings, Skiing Activity, Spa Event, Off-Site Party, Speaker Management, Pre-Event Management and On-Site Management

Money saved from contracted budget: $127,515.00


Customer Event
300 People • Single Day
Hotel Del Coronado • San Diego, California

At a large outdoor event in San Diego, iRise needed to impress their guests and help them to understand that iRise is on the cutting edge of what the fastest, most efficient software is on the business visualization market.
Vision helped them accomplish this by encouraging them to display a theme of speed through the use of actual race vehicles and décor. Added to this was the chance to meet and get autographs from one of the circuit drivers. Attendees were able to get a real hands on perspective, helping shape their opinion that iRise is the answer for speed.


Customer Event
Number of Attendees: 1200
Gaylord Palms Hotel • Orlando, Florida

Services Rendered: General Session, Breakouts, Food & Beverage, Registration, Housing, Tradeshow Audio-Visual, Pop-Up Meetings, Welcome Reception, Final Night Party, Speaker Management, Golf, Pre-Event Management and On-Site Management

Money saved from contracted budget: 

i2 - Planet

User Conference
Number of Attendees: 800

Services Rendered: General Session, Breakouts, Food & Beverage, Registration, Housing, Expo Hall, Pop-Up Meetings, Welcome Reception, Final Night Party, Executive Dinner, Signage, Speaker Management, Pre-Event Management and On-Site Management

Money saved from contracted budget: $90,278.46


Customer Event
500 People Flow • Single Day
San Diego, California

Novell was one of many sponsors at a conference with over 1200 people. Every sponsor had the opportunity to secure a room at the venue and hold their own evening event to draw potential customers in and display their products.
Vision helped them accomplish this by establishing a hard edged “Biker” theme. With real motorbikes, biker chicks and biker décor, Vision transformed the room from a standard hotel room into the roughest toughest bar in corporate events.

FedEx Kinko’s

Regional Leadership Conference
4000 People • 1000 Person Waves • 2 Weeks • Multiday
Bellagio Resort & Casino • Las Vegas • Nevada

Four thousand people aren’t easy to move around, let alone train on the latest business strategies. FedEx Kinko’s had just that problem and needed to get every regional manager in the company up to speed.

Vision brought their training to life by creating a stage design that helped facilitate learning with a bang ( and a crash & boom for good measure). Four waves of one thousand people each converged on a hotel in Las Vegas to see and hear the latest and greatest from company executives. Each show started with an amazing entrance by the CEO. Music played, Video rolled, Lights flashed, Pyro exploded and the CEO, driving an actual Nascar, crashed through the back stage wall and onto the stage.

Signet Armorlite

Customer Event

450 People • Single day

At a large conference event in Indianapolis, Signet Armorlite needed to convince attendees to leave the main conference in the evening and attend the Signet Armorlite party held at an offsite location. The attendees had many choices for the evening so it was imperative that they have a impressive presence to capture potential clients.

Vision helped them accomplish this by bringing in giant data projectors and contracting with local building owners to use their buildings as projection surfaces. Once the evening came and attendees left the main conference, their was little doubt in anyone’s mind where the real party was.